When I was about four, my mother was working full time, so she hired a woman to look after me. One day she asked me how my day had gone. I told her that the sitter had taken me to this fun store which was all dark, and there were men hitting balls with sticks, and a whole bunch of bottles on shelves and she bought me some lemonade to drink while we sat on stools in front of the counter. I never saw the woman again.
When I was about four, my mother was working full time, so she hired a woman to look after me. One day she asked me how my day had gone. I told her that the sitter had taken me to this fun store which was all dark, and there were men hitting balls with sticks, and a whole bunch of bottles on shelves and she bought me some lemonade to drink while we sat on stools in front of the counter. I never saw the woman again.