Herman by Jim Unger for November 17, 2018

  1. Missing large
    garcoa  about 6 years ago

    You are now a manager like 90% of the employees at this company.

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  2. Hm
    cdnalor  about 6 years ago

    Large print for the ageing workforce that can’t afford to retire.

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  3. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 6 years ago

    I used to have a sign on the door of my office, at a resort hotel I managed, that said Head Honcho. Not to be out done, my boss had one made for his office that said SHOGUN !

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  4. 690904ef 1e7c 4d36 a98a f46b185ca15f
    DCBakerEsq  about 6 years ago

    Now, grow some pointy hair and fire somebody.

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  5. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  about 6 years ago

    Must be one of those new fangled talking signs

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  6. Screenshot 20230107 213546 messages
    Printer  about 6 years ago

    They give all millennials management titles so they won’t get their feelings hurt. And they get participation management Awards.

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  7. Airbender
    Airbender  about 6 years ago

    From the size of that sign, I think it was more self promotion than anything else.

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