In anime, ‘Sailor Moon’ is teasingly referred to as ‘Odango Atama’ or ‘Dumpling Head’ by her boyfriend, due to the way she wears her hair, so I sort of see how Sam is parsing this.
On a vaguely related note, Mike Curtis and guest penciller/regular inker Shelley Plager are doing a cosplay-themed story in Dick Tracy for the next few weeks.
In anime, ‘Sailor Moon’ is teasingly referred to as ‘Odango Atama’ or ‘Dumpling Head’ by her boyfriend, due to the way she wears her hair, so I sort of see how Sam is parsing this.
On a vaguely related note, Mike Curtis and guest penciller/regular inker Shelley Plager are doing a cosplay-themed story in Dick Tracy for the next few weeks.
‘Sailor Moon’ has already been name-checked.