Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 07, 2013
Hamhock: Ugh. I feel terrible. I should get into shape. Yeah, that'll show 'em all! Then they won't just see me as a piece of meat. I'll work out and get thin! I can do it! I'll just get up and work out right now, really work out, and then... oh, man. I just got tired...
knight1192a about 12 years ago
He’s not just a piece of meat to me. He’s also a possible means of finding truffles.
Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago
He’s not feeling very well. He needs curing.
poihths about 12 years ago
Well, look at the shape of this poor guy’s bed. Check out the headboard-to-footboard relationship. That bed’s bent 90 degrees and slopes toward the floor on the open side. At that, though, he’s lucky; imagine if his bed had been drawn by Picasso.