Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for August 02, 2014
Ralston: You're smart and capable, Mr. Negato. Why do you have to be a villain? Mr. Negato: Because I don't get the respect I deserve! Ralston: Oh, please! I never get any respect for all the high-minded, classy things I can do, I just get the snot kicked out of me! Mr. Negato: A better question is, why AREN'T you a villain? Ralston: Crime may not pay, but humiliation does.
He does seem to have him there. Unless Negato is a billionaire and constantly plays the stockmarket to maintain his fortune, where’s he get the dough to finance his schemes? Especially when Cap trashes all his machines on a regular basis. It’d be nice to see him once in a while pull off a bank heist to say that’s how he finances them, but like the bulk of supervillians who rely so much of expensive devices, he seems to have unlimited funds to create them with.