Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for August 03, 2014
Fritz: Well, we just lost a client, but at least now we have more time to catch up on paperwork. Bixby: Poor and overworked Where do I sign up? Fritz: Y'know, you're a real "glass-half-empty" kinda guy, Bixby! Bixby: No, I'm a glass-all-empty kind of guy, especially if the glass is filled with something I don't want in the first -- no, that's no good... I don't care how fulll it is, I just want a bigger glass? No.... I just want to know who's been drinking my stuff? I'm not even thirsty? I want free refills? Fritz: Ha! I love it when I pull out a sarcasm-proof saying! Bixby: Curse you, valuable cliches!!
DC Comics over 10 years ago
ha ha