Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 29, 2017
tyr: Hey, baby, wanna go wassailing? jenn erica: Are...are you hitting on me? Tyr: You got that right! jenn erica: Really? With ms. amazement and she woman around, you're picking me? Tyr: Yeah! Let's go! Jenn erica: Oh,no, I think you're completely hideous in ever way, but flattering!!
awgiedawgie Premium Member about 7 years ago
Seriously, Jenn. I’d pick you over those other women any day. And especially after seeing you in your Empoweress uniform yesterday!
theincrediblebulk about 7 years ago
Tyr. I feel for you man. I hear that same excuse all the time.. Why aren’t they just busy washing their hair every night, that would hurt so much less.
jmcenanly about 7 years ago
If she slaps him for being rude, he won’t end up in orbit. this is not the case with those other two.
The Sinistral Bassist Premium Member about 7 years ago