Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for May 31, 2020
Ralston: Hey, Jenn, you ever thought about being a superheroine? I mean, comic books are veritably bursting at the seams with female characters! Women with massive power and huge personalities who are endowed with gigantic responsibilities! Woman: Yeah, but I hate all the innuendo. Ralston: Well, it usually falls flat.
fishbulb239 over 4 years ago
Can you accumulate enough wealth to be able to afford to buy huge tracts of land?
Michael G. over 4 years ago
innuendo – n.1) Where a Genoese physician places the thermometer
WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago
I believe the majority of comic book readers are young males…hence the highly impractical costumes. Same way with Black Widow movie – according to screen shots, it shows her standing in a snow storm with her top unzipped partway – very cold! But…it apparently sells.
StoicLion1973 over 4 years ago
See the following example: Power Girl.