Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for September 17, 2020
Fritz: Trick or Treat! Dynaman: Hey! I was supposed to go as you and you were supposed to go as me!! Captain Victorious: But I've got so many of these costumes lying around! Someone's gotta use 'em! Hamhock: How come you get to be Sluggo? Why can't I be Sluggo this year? Ralston: You're a much better Nancy. You've got her thighs. Scrappy Lad: Um, these are all just empty wrappers! Bixby: You can take two if it'll stop your complaining...
jmcenanly over 4 years ago
This is quite old. ‘Dilbert’ is still wearing a tie.
Durak Premium Member over 4 years ago
Someone on vacation?
ajr58(1) over 4 years ago
I want to see Gilchrist’s Aunt Fritzi
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 4 years ago
“What kind of Mickey Mouse outfit IS this??!?
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
You’re gonna hear from Disney over image issue.
knight1192a over 4 years ago
Shut up Scrappy Lad and be glad you’re not getting a rock.