Could be. I’ve noticed that my emails for letting me know there’s new comics is stamped for 2:30 AM but doesn’t arrive until later in the afternoon..Getting back to Jane’s, the lady does have a point.
i dont recall who works or owns this place, but she has made some valid points- Ethan does need to stand up to this girl friend and say something to her – but in a way that he shows he wants to stay commited to being with her, not to be commited because of her.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 11 years ago
Could be. I’ve noticed that my emails for letting me know there’s new comics is stamped for 2:30 AM but doesn’t arrive until later in the afternoon..Getting back to Jane’s, the lady does have a point.
James Hopkins over 11 years ago
I do know that feeling all too well. I don’t like confrontation either so I’m not great at defending myself when I try to.
APersonOfInterest over 11 years ago
Spot on Ms. Braddock!!! 8=)
tototu over 11 years ago
I’m experiencing a gap as well. My wife is trying to tell me that’s normal for me.
ddoshay over 11 years ago
yes, between “Hi there” and “Hey … why are you being so nice …” there seems to be a missing installment
Bandera_Ken over 11 years ago
Could be a missing installment or it could be the comment “…why are…nice…” is filling us in that he was being nice instead of drawing it in.
Bandera_Ken over 11 years ago
Maybe moving the story along at a faster pace?
tlynnch over 11 years ago
Yahoo what did you do to the comics that all I got today was missing images?
david black Premium Member over 11 years ago
i dont recall who works or owns this place, but she has made some valid points- Ethan does need to stand up to this girl friend and say something to her – but in a way that he shows he wants to stay commited to being with her, not to be commited because of her.
ermaltwo over 11 years ago
I keep clicking the Order Here button in the top right, hoping to be linked to Paige’s latest bound creation. Mine’s broken, apparently…
boots21b over 11 years ago
klunker rider over 11 years ago
Said it before, Jane and Ethan are two side of the same bachelor coin, that’s why they get along so well.