Jen Sorensen for May 19, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Odd how what most of the world knew well, in October ’02, in a published book among other things, escaped the eyes of those wearing blinders to follow the warpath, they laid before they took office. (No matter how many lies it took)

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    And it wasn’t about oil. It was never about oil.

    And it will be over in six weeks, six months tops.===These are statements that all Republicans/Fox “news” viewers ‘know’ are absolutely true.

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  3. Wtp
    superposition  about 9 years ago

    So the only thing worse than when the Republicans and Democrats disagree is when they agree?

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The public helped that stampede. Blind faith and patriotism against any dissent to the war was what stampeded everyone.

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  5. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 9 years ago

    Knowing what I knew at the time I was out in the streets protesting, along with a lot of other people. How come we were able to see the disaster looming while most of the professional politicians couldn’t?

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  6. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 9 years ago

    I read the article you refer to. I agree.

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    debauche  about 9 years ago

    Don’t forget to include Congress while you’re playing your “Monday Morning Quarterback” card! Bush didn’t go into Iraq all alone and Congress was fed the same information he was.

    Iraq served as a convenient proving ground for all of our fabulous war toys for all to see with almost no battle equipment loss. Who knew the A10 Warthog could decimate the best tanks or reinforced bunkers the enemy had to offer. Who knew the latest Abrams M1A1 Battle Tank could, while operating at full sped, effectively kill over the horizon targets. Who knew if the “Stealth” aircraft designs were actually effective in modern warfare? Who knew if the cruise missile or the guided “smart” bombs actually would be accurate enough to fly through doorways and windows of buried bunkers, storage warehouses and airport hangers and effectively destroy the buildings from inside.

    I recall that “smart” technology proven in Iraq, played a large role at the Tora Bora caves in Afghanistan also, saving a lot of “boots on the ground” lives. Yep, it’s great to be a “Monday morning quarterback”. It’s really hard to get it wrong that way.

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  8. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  about 9 years ago

    “A conditional timeline in which we would leave behind peace keeping troops.”So you expected us to stay in Iraq forever.

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  9. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 9 years ago

    You were protesting in Washington, omQ was protesting in London, I was protesting in Toronto, but they STILL went ahead and invaded?

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  10. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Or that I was protesting in Chicago, but we know from other commenters here that nothing good ever happens in Chicago. ;^)

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    I was protesting the potential entry into the Iraq war, as a ’Nam veteran who learned how to read the real facts, not the Bush lies. We wrote letters, citing multiple reports, and books even, that showed Bush was lying to Congress, and the people. WE DID KNOW THEN, that they were lying.

    My son spent time in Iraq, close to those nice IEDs, as well as having bullets stopping in the bullet proof “glass” of his vehicle, and they too were looking for viable chemical weapons, or anything Bush claimed existed, and they found nothing did. Some old useless devices were found, and burned in the burn pits, now thousands of our troops are sickened by that stupidity as well.

    The Bush administration did not do ONE SINGLE THING RIGHT regarding the invasion of Iraq, and hundreds of thousands have died, and more continue to die.

    Worst administration in the history of the United States, and even his brother is having to admit it, sorta’, if he can ever decide what story he needs to tell. It’s the old saw of if you never lied, you can keep the story straight, but nothing “W” and Cheney with Rumsfeld and the gang, will ever lead to a straight story, on anything.

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    feverjr Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Looking back, we might remember what happened to Phil Donahue. After he questioned and opposed the imminent U.S. invasion of Iraq, MSNBC, which was owned by GE and Microsoft, fired him.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Seagull: the IEDs that went off next to my son, the mortars, and the bullets stopped in the new plexiglass armor of his rig, showed EXACTLY how our guys and gals were “welcomed as liberators”!!

    Yes, he also worked with Iraqi crews that had both Shia and Sunni on them. They got along pretty well at work, then went back to the walled enclaves WE created to isolate, and “contain” the Iraqi population. Considering Bush/Cheney/Bremer and Wolfowitz got rid of all the army, and the police, but let them take their weapons with them, didn’t do anything to “stabilize” anything. They just guaranteed more war, and created not just ISIL, but other groups in Iraq and Syria dedicated to fighting U.S. invaders, and their cull representatives WE put in charge. At least Bush had to drop Chalabi, one piece of gravel in our shoe, but he didn’t pull any of the nails, or spike strips, that met our policy balloons.

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    manteo16nc  about 9 years ago

    Oh, I’ve got one! “Obamacare will pay for itself in tax savings .” And another: “Emergency room visits will decline under the ACA.” Here’s another: “If you like your doctor/plan, you can keep your doctor/plan.” (Repeated dozens of times.) And one more: “We will iron out the glitches in, and it will run smoothly.”Don’t forget the inimitable: “I’m drawing a red line in Syria.” Ah, Obama nostalgia.

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    wwward  about 9 years ago

    Right on!

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