JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for October 17, 2013
Halloween is best celebrated in a safe, controlled environment. Is that how you celebrated Halloween as a kid? No. My friends and I took candy hunting seriously. We'd collect tons of it, We'd eat all of it and get sick, How come all the "valuable lessons"got learned before we came along?
I was amazed one time I drove to a small town to pay respect on a man who passed from a town we lived in. The time was 5:20pm I see kids out already. The time when kids to is after 6pm. Where we live there are lots of children whereas the other small time our location the HS had football on Halloween and children coming reduced down. Our current location far away from small town lots of children. I remember when a kid my mom decided to pop popcorn worst idea she was too cheap to buy candy, dad worked, result soaped windows of displeasure. Church I go to, 4 years ago came up with an activity Halloween alternative called Autumn Bash, children can dress up including teens, fun activities and the end a small sack of goodies with a message. Very safe activities.