JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for March 26, 2014
Roland and Raymond don't thing that "mistaken identity" stuff is amusing. Ever since some bully punched Raymond for something his twin brother said! Poor Raymond must have been so surprised by the assault! Not nearly as the bully when he met raymonds eleven brothers!
geopardy almost 11 years ago
Bully’s last thought before losing consciousness: “I may have made a slight miscalculation here”
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
Blue Amerson was in a bar quietly having a drink.A friend of recent acquaintance (Bue made friends quickly) came up and asked him to back him if he had to fight that stranger who was flirting with his wife.Blue looked at the stranger, laughed and agreed.The new friend asked the fellow on other side to back him too.AIN’T NO WAY“Why not, Blue already agreed to help?”YEAH! BUT WHAT ABOUT THEIR OTHER FIVE BROTHERS?.Blue was about 6’ 3" and an oilfield roustabout. (Always wore blue denim hat, pants and shirt with the sleeves torn out.) But Blue was “the runt of the litter”..I never knew him to fight anybody, but he was always friendly and nobody was drunk enough to attack him and his seven big brothers. (One wasn’t there that time.)
Ervin Johnson almost 11 years ago
Yeah, that’s one situation where “my bad” doesn’t cut it. :-D
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Tell it to ‘Baby’ Sinclair