Bees won’t invade your house, there’s nothing they would want. Only by chance, someday one bee might fly through an open window. But e.g. wasps would invade you to get your meat, your cake, your juice and your Coke. In 99% of the cases when people are shouting “bee!”, there’s no bee.
jagedlo almost 6 years ago
Jordan Peele…
ampeck almost 6 years ago
true story actually
Enter.Name.Here almost 6 years ago
“To Bee, or not to bee. If thou wishes to see, then never let it bee.”
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 6 years ago
This the second comic about sweat bees. Buzz.
jpayne4040 almost 6 years ago
Killing bees is wrong. I’m almost hoping the bee stings him.
sueb1863 almost 6 years ago
Those were small sweat bees, not honey bees.
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The brat is just looking for an excuse to kill.
delennwen almost 6 years ago
I’m surprised Jojo didn’t go into his “Bruce Lee” mode.
GaryCooper almost 6 years ago
That’s a different kind of bee.
Herb L 1954 almost 6 years ago
I like Samantha Bee.I was a Sarnia Bee,many moons ago.Junior B champs(72-73) ;)
Spock almost 6 years ago
Bees won’t invade your house, there’s nothing they would want. Only by chance, someday one bee might fly through an open window. But e.g. wasps would invade you to get your meat, your cake, your juice and your Coke. In 99% of the cases when people are shouting “bee!”, there’s no bee.