Mr. Jefe: Lopez! Do you have your follow-up article on Sonia Sotomayor? Eddie: Newt called her "racist brown woman." Rush called her "reverse racist." Tom Tancredo called her "KKK." Soon they will call her "madame justice." *tweet tweet*
Uhhhhhh, you are correct it is MY life but I also understand that in some respects we are all collectivists in one manner or another.One looks out for their friends and family. Humans are tribalistic by nature and to think otherwise is overly simplistic. Let’s not even get into what philosophy founded this country which is also part of the problem. Certain people think only their ideas and concepts are correct which is why for so many centuries only wealthy Anglo male land owners were alowed to vote and others were deemed less than human. It does get somewhat offensive when only the majority’s view is considered and all others are discounted. Even Mel Martinez, senator FL (R) gets it. This is no different than when Michelle Obama got in trouble for her comment that most Black people understood, we got it. At least TRY to see things from a different perspective but we know most don’t which is why we need a wise Latina on the bench.
Uhhhhhh, you are correct it is MY life but I also understand that in some respects we are all collectivists in one manner or another.One looks out for their friends and family. Humans are tribalistic by nature and to think otherwise is overly simplistic. Let’s not even get into what philosophy founded this country which is also part of the problem. Certain people think only their ideas and concepts are correct which is why for so many centuries only wealthy Anglo male land owners were alowed to vote and others were deemed less than human. It does get somewhat offensive when only the majority’s view is considered and all others are discounted. Even Mel Martinez, senator FL (R) gets it. This is no different than when Michelle Obama got in trouble for her comment that most Black people understood, we got it. At least TRY to see things from a different perspective but we know most don’t which is why we need a wise Latina on the bench.