My recollection is that after Chavez organized the table-grape pickers, the grape growers switched to wine grapes which are picked by machine, ending up with growth in California wines and a drop in grape-picking jobs. Meantime, the grapes in my refrigerator are from Chili.
x_Tech over 13 years ago
Good, I wouldn’t any ship cluttering up the view from my newly purchased beach front property.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
In “Sound of Music”, what was the name of the Admiral of the Austrian Navy?
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
My recollection is that after Chavez organized the table-grape pickers, the grape growers switched to wine grapes which are picked by machine, ending up with growth in California wines and a drop in grape-picking jobs. Meantime, the grapes in my refrigerator are from Chili.
rockngolfer over 13 years ago
With climate change Arizona could have oceanfront property soon.