We’ve seen this argument before: “This out-of-context number is bigger (or smaller) than that out-of-context number! Outrage! Anger! Hostility!”
Remember this one? “The CEO makes (insert huge multiplier here) times what the janitor makes! Outrage! Anger! Hostility!”
Variant: “Americans are only (small %) of the world’s population but use up (large %) of the world’s resources! Outrage! Etc.! Etc.!”
It’s not just because public schools don’t teach people to think, let alone think with mathematics, but that millennia of moral teaching have instilled a hatred for wealth and success in American culture which once admired them.
I was glad to see a flicker of that old admiration return in the many tributes to Steve Jobs, but sad to say, that won’t last, and we’ll soon continue down the path of “Eat the Rich!”, at least until 2012.
N.G: Of course, based on your history of comments I’d never expect you to agree with me on virtually anything, but for the benefit of others who may read this, a government “for all” should be one that defends the rights of all equally, rich or poor. The topics of the proper functions of government and the immorality of ALL taxes is for another time.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
We’ve seen this argument before: “This out-of-context number is bigger (or smaller) than that out-of-context number! Outrage! Anger! Hostility!”
Remember this one? “The CEO makes (insert huge multiplier here) times what the janitor makes! Outrage! Anger! Hostility!”
Variant: “Americans are only (small %) of the world’s population but use up (large %) of the world’s resources! Outrage! Etc.! Etc.!”
It’s not just because public schools don’t teach people to think, let alone think with mathematics, but that millennia of moral teaching have instilled a hatred for wealth and success in American culture which once admired them.
I was glad to see a flicker of that old admiration return in the many tributes to Steve Jobs, but sad to say, that won’t last, and we’ll soon continue down the path of “Eat the Rich!”, at least until 2012.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
N.G: Of course, based on your history of comments I’d never expect you to agree with me on virtually anything, but for the benefit of others who may read this, a government “for all” should be one that defends the rights of all equally, rich or poor. The topics of the proper functions of government and the immorality of ALL taxes is for another time.