La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 02, 2014

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    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago


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    57-Don  over 10 years ago

    Sorry, I don’t care for this one. I have a feeling that Lalo was trying to define the word “autopsy” as a thorough scrutiny of the incident and the Police Department but there is no dancing around the fact that an autopsy is performed on a dead person.

    While I find the actions of the Ferguson Police Department both before and after the Michael Brown incident reprehensible, in my opinion the situation will only improve when fair justice is meted out by reforming the Police Department and allowing Officer Wilson to stand trial.

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    I think perhaps, he meant the Ferguson PD should be dismantled, examined and reconstituted to “Protect and Serve” rather than “Shoot and Kill”..Although I knew some would take it as a death threat.

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    zippykatz  over 10 years ago

    Yeah, imagine what Ferguson would be like if all the law enforcement officers packed up and left.

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    Lorenzo Browncoat  over 10 years ago

    saw a piece over on that claims Obama has the authority to go in there , reform the place by executive order, thru consent decrees. Not sure of the legality, but I am sure if he tried it, it wouldn’t go well.

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    dzw3030  over 10 years ago

    Typical Lalo. Hatred and in this case, a call to murder police officers. All the dialog about what Lalo “meant” is supporting violence. Lalo is not so illiterate to not understand the meaning of words.

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    He clearly says "the Ferguson police department, not policemen.Try to get over your political correctness fetish. If you can.

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    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    So nice to see all this deep concern for language from folks who no doubt brushed off Sharron Angle’s “Second Amendment solution” talk, or Sarah Palin’s gunsights graphics against politicians she disapproved of!

    I’m not particularly enamored of the deadly imagery used in this strip, though I take it more in the spirit that Kaffekup does. Nonetheless, it’s always amusing to see the right-wingers here get the vapors over language that they seem to have no problem with being used against brown folks, “Libtards,” and everyone else who offends with their existence.

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    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    If one gets to interpret what someone meant, instead of what he said, then there is no communication.

    Communication is all about interpretation. Even the simplest of sentences—"See Spot run"—requires interpretation of every single word. Does “see” just mean Spot is running across your field of vision, or is it a call to pay attention? Is “Spot” the dog in front of you, or some other dog, or a hamster, or a blotch on the sidewalk? Does “run” mean here to move one’s legs quickly, or to melt onto the sidewalk, or flow like a river? Well, let’s see, if we establish we’re talking about a dog, then using our powers of interpretation, we’d probably figure that “run” means move one’s legs quickly. Etc.

    Or take “autopsy”: it’s often used to refer to figuring out what went wrong with, say, a corporation that went bankrupt. So maybe, based on context, an autopsy on an institution does not in fact mean literally cutting that institution open with a scalpel.

    If you are so hell-bent on taking everything completely literally, I don’t know how you keep from running out and buttonholing people on the street about how La Cucaracha reports that there are giant talking cockroaches who use smartphones!

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    echoraven  over 10 years ago

    Soooo the autopsy will show that Mr. Brown did not rob a convenience store?

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    tallguy98366  over 10 years ago

    The store clerk did not call the police. it was a customer who didn’t know what was happening but saw man doing it. You’re a moron. Look at the facts not he Fox news hype.

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