La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 03, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Hahahahaha! Love your third panel, LA (see, a leopard Can change her spots at times, you know!).

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    tallguy98366  over 10 years ago

    I disagree. I find the humor in this comic to be topical and witty. I enjoy it everyday. When you fuse your funny bone to your ideology bone, it hurts, and nothing is funny. Lighten up.

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    Dawn Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Great third panel!! :-D

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    Raaacism!!Why does Lalo hate dogs???

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    TheEtruscan  over 10 years ago

    Lalo, you are wasting your time here. With your talent, I think that “LA CUCARACHA, THE MOVIE!” is still the best. With an all-Latino cast and a Miss Venezuela as Vero and a reprise a la Cheech and Chong you could laugh all your way to the bank and leave your detractors to their sorry state.

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  6. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 10 years ago

    @indethink Right on brother. Anything that doesn’t agree with ones position is a “Hater”. New obnoxious catch phrase.

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    TheEtruscan  over 10 years ago

    @indiethink, elementary my dear: a Latino impersonating a non-Latino impersonating a Latino.

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    Plods with ...™  over 10 years ago

    @Lalo – I couldn’t find the place to donate, so I’ll have to owe it to you..

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  9. Beagle dog 017
    alc7 Premium Member over 10 years ago
    Tough to break up a team.
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  10. Qc1
    agrestic  over 10 years ago

    Rather than engage in constructive dialogue, which I invited you to do a couple days ago, you plod on with your usual phlegmy garglings about how the only possible reasonable person in the room is you, and maybe those who agree with you at the moment.

    And talk about interpretations! A request phrased as “why don’t you…?” is turned in your mind into a drill sergeant forcing you to get down and do fifty. This, my friend, is the sign of both a very thin skin and the mentality of a seven-year-old. I’m not even trying to be funny with that last one. Really, listen to a seven-year-old for any length of time, and that’s the kind of attitude you’ll hear.

    As to what makes hate email "lame"…well, the whole “hate” thing might be a clue. I don’t know if you’re aware of the kinds of hate email that get sent to public figures, but they often include words like “death” and “die” and what the sender would do to the public figure’s mother. On the other hand, maybe Lalo is saying he only wants really cool hate email? Like, super clever and witty? But seeing as how those qualities are outside your own realm of writing or even consideration, I think in your case any hate email you send (just like all the comments you post here) can be classified as lame. And the word doesn’t even need quotes around it.

    It’s also rich that you of all people, with your “don’t tell me what to do” and “you don’t speak for that group” see fit to speak for half the country (which half?). As far as I know, there hasn’t been any large-scale polling about how people feel about La Cucaracha, so maybe you could get right on it. My hypothesis would be that the vast majority of people in this country have never heard of the strip; of those that have, the (possibly large) majority would be pretty indifferent toward it, and then you’d have the people who actually enjoy it, dislike it, love it, hate it, etc. This of course is a hypothesis, which you are free to try to disprove. You’re passionate enough about how much you dislike this strip that maybe you could start a Kickstarter campaign to fund Pew or CBS or someone to take the tallies.

    But even setting aside the fever-dream nature of your imagination, let’s say only 10% of people asked like La Cucaracha at all. You know, that’s still over 30 million people in the US. Not bad numbers at all. And maybe, just maybe, those who scream and whine about any given thing are often actually a small minority. But squeaky wheels do get an inordinate amount of attention, don’t they? You’ve proven it here by being such a problem child that you have to be taken aside and explained things to, never mind that your capacity for learning seems to run along the same lines as an amoeba.

    As for hearing comebacks on the playground, such is the level of your discourse that I feel safe in speculating that you probably remember them from, like, yesterday.

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  11. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 10 years ago

    @agrestic I got a headache just trying to follow your twisted logic and mixed metaphors. As I said a few days ago I would like to wander around in your brain for a few minutes to see if there is really anything in there.

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  12. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 10 years ago

    @agrestic Yeah. That must be it. It’s too sophisticated for me…..Snicker…snicker.

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    Jesse Korn  over 10 years ago

    I happen to enjoy La Cucaracha and Marmaduke.

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  14. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 10 years ago

    @Night -Gaunt49 By George I think you’ve got it. Lack of food and sophistication will make one a fuzzy thinker. Too bad George W. didn’t eat more then maybe he would be an intellectual like you.

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  15. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 10 years ago

    @agrestic it’s no fun having a war of words with you. I get no pleasure fighting an unarmed man. Indie said you always had to get in the last word, so don’t leave your mothers basement or I may sneak one in on you.

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  16. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    I like your strips, Lalo. Can’t understand why people who don’t like it just read some other comics and quit sending you hate mail.

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  17. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 10 years ago

    @Wabbit You have a funny idea of hate mail. It’s just an expression of opinion not directed at Lalo. In your world you do allow an expression of opinion don’t you? Even when it differs from yours?

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