La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 06, 2014
The Beandocks Breaking news: Blacks & Latinos make up 41% of all private security guards in Silicon Valley, 72% of all janitorial & building cleaning workers... and a whopping 76% of all grounds maintenance workers. I'm sure they all have amazing tech stock options.
echoraven about 10 years ago
Note to self: stay away from silicon valley…
zippykatz about 10 years ago
What’s wrong with doing good, honest, needed work that a person is qualified for?
Diane Lee Premium Member about 10 years ago
Not a problem as long as they are saving the money earned to send their kids to college. Every ethnic group comes to America and takes whatever job they can get. Then they combat prejudice and the fact that those jobs pay badly, but the next generation does better, if you can get a job that will get your kids into a neighborhood with decent schools, and most of those jobs fall into that category.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Whine whine whine. Suggest the Black and Latino wealthy sections get off their butts and start supporting their community with some financial aid for educations for the gifted children. You need a good education to succeed in Silicon Valley.
water_moon about 10 years ago
I know at least one company that’s not shy about paying higher referal bonuses to emplyees for recuiting Women, Blacks, and Hispanics to the higher pay grade jobs. Women are worth more than Hispanics, but Blacks are the most valuable.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
My son is European-American, and, at one point, was a private security guard; another male relative is a European-American who is going to be landscaper. My hub worked as a janitor at one point in his life. I have a European-American uncle who also was a security guard. As far as not being an employee of a high-tech company, LA has not completely done his homework…we have a very good friend who just happens to be Latino who is a senior electronics tech, as are his friends (also Latino, and, including, African-Americans. In the company I worked for at one point in my life, there were more Latino and African-American (and also Asians) who made a salary much more than I – with the same amount of education – in fact, this company deliberately searched out those who were of “minority” groups. They are out there…why not focus on the positive while you are focusing on the negative?