La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 09, 2015

  1. Qc1
    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    Whenever jobs are sent elsewhere in search of lower wages, it tends to hurt the local economy, as well. And even more to the point, just as Cuco says, Romney’s Bain capital became a specialist at buying distressed companies, sticking them with a huge amount of debt, and sucking the life out of them as profit—and laying off tons of workers in the process.

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  2. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 10 years ago

    All of the Republicans are running on the “I’ve suddenly discovered poverty” platform. That’s because polls show that their previous “trickle down economics” platform hasn’t worked and the voters have finally figured that out- by about 75% to 80%. Of course, they never really intend to do anything for the Middle Class, they still vote to give tax breaks to the rich when they get elected, and vote against programs that benefit those who aren’t rich. Since many voters listen to what they say and fail to note that once elected they do exactly the opposite, they hope to win by saying what the voters want to hear.

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    zippykatz  about 10 years ago

    Yes, many are poor because of adverse circumstances beyond their control. And a lot more are poor because of their own stupidity. Wish there was a way to assist the former and not the latter.

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    cepa  about 10 years ago

    Romney’s mode of operation was to find companies that were on the verge of going out of business, then buy them for a song. Then based on his companies financial strength and management skills, borrow enough money to keep them from closing and eventually making the strong enough to interest others in buying them.

    The alliterative was to let them go out of business and everyone lose there jobs.

    Did I work every time? Nothing does, but here are tens of thousand who have jobs that would otherwise be unemployed if it were not for his actions.

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    tallguy98366  about 10 years ago

    Now children, play nice. It is true about Romney, you can research it yourself. While you’re at it check out he White Horse prophecy in the Mormon faith and you’ll understand why he wants to be president so bad. it’s pur selfishness on his part and bad for the rest of us.

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    kaffekup   about 10 years ago

    N-G and agrestic, you know certain people don’t want to hear that and will put thrir fingers in their ears an shout “Lalalala” as loud as they can.Me, I was always amused by a presidential candidate whose answer to every problem was money. Not to throw at the problem, but to throw at the rich until the problem was solved.

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