La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 13, 2015

  1. Qc1
    agrestic  almost 10 years ago

    Heh. Called it.

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  2. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Somewhere the Republicans have to have a sane candidate. I know several sane Republicans. They do tend to be in the minority, and the rest of the party ignores them, but they do exist— I wonder for how much longer.

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    dzw3030  almost 10 years ago

    How many Republican candidates had foreign countries contributing to their foundations while they were in the President’s cabinet?

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    tallguy98366  almost 10 years ago

    If you haven’t figured out by now that Lalo is a perceptive cartoonist who will comment on the human condition through entertainment and humor you’re pretty stupid.As to “one sided” what part of his commentary was wrong? The Republicans have done nothing but attack our first black president and praise facists and dictators for their cruelty and stubboness which must be the new official Republican platform. I like this strip and appreciate the honesty and perceptiveness of its creator.

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    kaffekup   almost 10 years ago

    How many republicans have had foundations dedicated to the benefit of humanity, rather than just the .01%?<0?

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 10 years ago

    To Lalo, is there anything you can do to stop indiethink from harassing your other posters?

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    markjoseph125  almost 10 years ago

    Actually, this is an improvement over what they’ve been putting out there recently—Bachmann, Perry, Santorum, Palin…

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