Cheerful Beltane to all.
For those who came in late, Beltane is 1 of 4 cross-quarter holidays celebrated by various pagan cultures. The other 3 are:
 • Imbolc (Christianized as Candlemas), Feb. 1
 • Lughnasadh or Lammas (appropriated as Mass Loaf Day), Aug. 1
 • Samhain (swiped and repurposed as All Saints or All Hallows Day), Nov. 1 (the prior night is All Hallow Evening, AKA Hallow E’en).
Neto must be a big 3 Stooges fan. That would explain the Moe haircut
Another EXCELLENT LALO Comic Strip. Good on you, Lalo HAPPY MAY DAY. Day of the WORKER. UNION YES.
Can’t win, can you, Ernesto?
is potato
I heard recently that half the population of France wants to make not helping with the household chores a criminal offence. I wonder which half?
Lalo Alcaraz
May 22, 2015
Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Cheerful Beltane to all.
For those who came in late, Beltane is 1 of 4 cross-quarter holidays celebrated by various pagan cultures. The other 3 are:
 • Imbolc (Christianized as Candlemas), Feb. 1
 • Lughnasadh or Lammas (appropriated as Mass Loaf Day), Aug. 1
 • Samhain (swiped and repurposed as All Saints or All Hallows Day), Nov. 1 (the prior night is All Hallow Evening, AKA Hallow E’en).
ElVez2 almost 3 years ago
Neto must be a big 3 Stooges fan. That would explain the Moe haircut
Yermo Adam almost 3 years ago
Another EXCELLENT LALO Comic Strip. Good on you, Lalo HAPPY MAY DAY. Day of the WORKER. UNION YES.
Templo S.U.D. almost 3 years ago
Can’t win, can you, Ernesto?
chireef almost 3 years ago
is potato
MartinPerry1 almost 3 years ago
I heard recently that half the population of France wants to make not helping with the household chores a criminal offence. I wonder which half?