Guess your school system never made you learn the condition of man from classics like Vigil or Shakespeare. Doesn’t need to teach a kid that vulgarity is acceptable to. Doesn’t have a leftist slant, we were fighting them for our nation’s survival back when I read that horrible book. You mention N. Korea’s censorship, America from the 60s on have only taught union approved literature. If you believe every right wing utterance is a return to the Nazi, I see they brain washed you too.I didn’t see you in the war. How was Canada?
Guess your school system never made you learn the condition of man from classics like Vigil or Shakespeare. Doesn’t need to teach a kid that vulgarity is acceptable to. Doesn’t have a leftist slant, we were fighting them for our nation’s survival back when I read that horrible book. You mention N. Korea’s censorship, America from the 60s on have only taught union approved literature. If you believe every right wing utterance is a return to the Nazi, I see they brain washed you too.I didn’t see you in the war. How was Canada?