Don’t beat yourself up Frank. Pastis in Pearl Before Swine, does much, much, worse puns and never apologizes. Although his characters do suggest to him that even they are humiliated by them.
Betcha they don’t run this whole storyline..GoComics will probably skip forward at some point rendering it incomprehensible, and then re-run the beginning, then cut it short before Jen and Brandy show up.
el8 almost 12 years ago
Frank and Stephan are out havin’ a beer right now and laughin’ their asses off at us.
rmacprivate almost 12 years ago
Don’t beat yourself up Frank. Pastis in Pearl Before Swine, does much, much, worse puns and never apologizes. Although his characters do suggest to him that even they are humiliated by them.
SkyFisher almost 12 years ago
Betcha they don’t run this whole storyline..GoComics will probably skip forward at some point rendering it incomprehensible, and then re-run the beginning, then cut it short before Jen and Brandy show up.
gmu328 almost 12 years ago
Actually, Frank’s apology is part of his spiel and appeal