Lio by Mark Tatulli for February 28, 2007

  1. Bald superman mug shot
    Robert Watson Premium Member about 17 years ago

    read a most fascinating discussion on this strip at the following web page (Tatulli, himself is part of the debate) lio-hits-150/

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    Nick113  over 15 years ago


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    smartie212  about 15 years ago

    i dont get it. how’d they die? and y r the ppl so happy?

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    Me_Again  about 15 years ago


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    Dirty Dragon  about 15 years ago

    smartie212: The ‘happy’ characters on the right are from comics that have gone on for years and years and years after their original creator left, or passed away. Zombie cartoons - rehashing the same gags for eternity and taking up comic page space from creators with fresh ideas.

    Lio is mourning the strips that had creators with the decency to ‘pull the plug’ when they’d said all they felt necessary, rather than selling their ‘franchise’ for some ghost writer to push their creations on an endless, soulless (yet profitable) existence.

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    chasches  about 15 years ago

    FoxTrot was good, but give Calvin and Hobbes a boquet!

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    711minevan  almost 15 years ago

    I sometimes wish that those old comics, Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, etc. were back
 But I realize that they would just turn into “zombie” strips. Kinda sad

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    bridieo Premium Member almost 15 years ago


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    Calvin Nelson Nelson Premium Member over 14 years ago

    What no peanuts!?!?

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    Akylax  over 14 years ago

    Um, did you notice that they’re whistling past the graveyard?

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    kirbydude  almost 14 years ago

    Hey, Nancy’s comic ended too. Why’s she happy? And FoxTrot’s still running. And I agree with Calvin Nelson.

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    Clearstream  over 8 years ago

    sobs It is good they left before they got old. I miss The Far Side though.

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    Terraria god  almost 4 years ago


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