When I was in trouble (seldom) Dad would invite the teacher over and discuss it over a drink or two. Never underestimate the educational powers of imported top shelf.
I remember my jr. high science teacher forgetting all about the lesson for the day when the maintenance man brought up a HUGE box. She started jumping up and down, torn into the box and assembling the skeleton. Yes I went to a small private school. I think with the right teacher Lio had the right idea!
I at one time had a skull on my desk with a little sign from MAD, that said " in memory of the patient who dfied waiting to see the doctor". I got(stole) it from med school. he didn’t need it any more. A long winded P.S. I asked my mother to ship it to me while in viet nam. She put it in a polish ham box with large red letters. DO NOT CRUSH,HUMAN SKULL. it arrived in good shape.
Lio, Lio, Lio… What you should have done is drop the skull out your bedroom window so that you could pick it up after you’d gone outside; Dad would never have seen it, and you would have had a perfect first day.
margueritem over 13 years ago
Maybe it’ll have a worm in it, Lio.
rayannina over 13 years ago
Teachers don’t go for the good ol’ memento mori anymore. No wonder our education system is going down the tubes …
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
It’s not Halloween yet, Lio. It’s too early to scare the bajesus out of the teacher.
zero over 13 years ago
Yet another “Back to Skull” storyline…
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Great comments so far! Now, alas, it’s my turn. Dad is just being too straight for Lio this year.
possiblekim over 13 years ago
It is for show and tell Dad. You just ruin your kids day :(
lewisbower over 13 years ago
When I was in trouble (seldom) Dad would invite the teacher over and discuss it over a drink or two. Never underestimate the educational powers of imported top shelf.
dyankee23 over 13 years ago
And he probably polished up the skull really nice, too.
Plus, well, every teacher deserves a fair warning as to whom she’ll be dealing with…
avarner over 13 years ago
I’m certain most of the teachers here would like the skull better…..
monkeyhead over 13 years ago
I remember my jr. high science teacher forgetting all about the lesson for the day when the maintenance man brought up a HUGE box. She started jumping up and down, torn into the box and assembling the skeleton. Yes I went to a small private school. I think with the right teacher Lio had the right idea!
Sandfan over 13 years ago
Knowing Lio, that is probably the poisoned apple from Snow White.
LiviaBay over 13 years ago
I love dad’s expression in panel #2.
bluegirl285 over 13 years ago
All the teachers should run for it while they still can!
gorba over 13 years ago
I think of all comics today Lio is the one that channels Calvin & Hobbs perfectly. I wuv it! Anyhow, that being said… Lio needs a pet Tiger. ;)
greenman_Kaven over 13 years ago
actually, Lio should replace the skull on his trike with that one- it looks cooler!
mrcharmander934 over 13 years ago
Nice try….
mysticturner over 13 years ago
I suspect Lio has inserted a blood worm into the apple.
ComicsFan76 over 13 years ago
Lio, if Leopold from Scary Gary were your teacher he would have been delighted to get the skull.
xSigoff Premium Member over 13 years ago
Give the teacher a break on the first day, Lio. You have the rest of the school year to terrorize the class and/or teacher.
kfaatz925 over 13 years ago
Good try, Lio!
JP Steve Premium Member over 13 years ago
Our computer guru has a row of animal skulls above his desk. I’ve suggested I should have a row of dead computers above mine! [museum guru]
doc white over 13 years ago
I at one time had a skull on my desk with a little sign from MAD, that said " in memory of the patient who dfied waiting to see the doctor". I got(stole) it from med school. he didn’t need it any more. A long winded P.S. I asked my mother to ship it to me while in viet nam. She put it in a polish ham box with large red letters. DO NOT CRUSH,HUMAN SKULL. it arrived in good shape.
Dirty Dragon over 13 years ago
(Special guest appearance by Del Close.)
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
Lio, Lio, Lio… What you should have done is drop the skull out your bedroom window so that you could pick it up after you’d gone outside; Dad would never have seen it, and you would have had a perfect first day.
sadiedog almost 12 years ago
I agree with sandfan, though it will more likely do something more devious…