Little Fried Chicken and Sushi by Khalid Birdsong for May 23, 2018

  1. Fcslittlekarlavatartapastic
    KhalidBirdsong creator over 6 years ago

    A little throwback to the “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” movie I used to love! Let’s hope Tanuki can sneeze again and put Karl back to his regular size.

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  2. Toughcat
    bakana  over 6 years ago

    How long does the Magic Residue from a Tanuki Sneeze last?

    Could someone accidentally get “popped” a week after Tanuki has recovered if they find some sneeze residue that hasn’t been cleaned up yet?

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  3. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 6 years ago

    Any smaller, and he’d be in the Microverse…

    Say “hello” to Ant-Man for me!

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