It’s a specially aged and laminated plastic that makes them hoot so well.
A Stradakazoo?
Whatever it’s called…
Collectors comb the Earth trying to find them….and fight over them at auctions, tooth and… um… tooth.
I used to have one made of tin, it had a great sound.\
Sounds like a Zombie Virus….
November 25, 2017
MissScarlet Premium Member over 10 years ago
It’s a specially aged and laminated plastic that makes them hoot so well.
naturally_easy over 10 years ago
A Stradakazoo?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Whatever it’s called…
Collectors comb the Earth trying to find them….and fight over them at auctions, tooth and… um… tooth.
captainofgondor over 10 years ago
I used to have one made of tin, it had a great sound.\
aerilim over 10 years ago
Sounds like a Zombie Virus….