When people are THAT busy, they are afraid of being alone with themselves. They need constant validation that they are busy, vital and important. That is a personality disorder. I have a friend who MUST have social interaction every hour she is awake. She cannot even drive home from work without calling someone on her cell phone (yeah, while driving), because she cannot stand the time alone in the car. Not even the radio helps. Maybe Delta isn’t this bad, but she’s close.
Troglodyte about 7 years ago
Delta will make one hell of a “helicopter Mum” in the future!
dlkrueger33 about 7 years ago
When people are THAT busy, they are afraid of being alone with themselves. They need constant validation that they are busy, vital and important. That is a personality disorder. I have a friend who MUST have social interaction every hour she is awake. She cannot even drive home from work without calling someone on her cell phone (yeah, while driving), because she cannot stand the time alone in the car. Not even the radio helps. Maybe Delta isn’t this bad, but she’s close.