Totally a night person. Reminds me of myself every single morning I had to get up for school. For years I worked nights, by choice, but finally bit the bullet and got a much better paying day job. It was horrible for the first few years—you never get used to it, or I never did—and then I discovered CoQ10. I started taking that, and I was able to get through the day fine. Woke up without my eyes glued shut with gritty gummy goo, made it through the afternoon without passing out, had normal, nice-feeling energy. Great stuff!
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
HAHA “Stompow”, I LOVE it!!!
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Totally a night person. Reminds me of myself every single morning I had to get up for school. For years I worked nights, by choice, but finally bit the bullet and got a much better paying day job. It was horrible for the first few years—you never get used to it, or I never did—and then I discovered CoQ10. I started taking that, and I was able to get through the day fine. Woke up without my eyes glued shut with gritty gummy goo, made it through the afternoon without passing out, had normal, nice-feeling energy. Great stuff!
comixlover347 about 12 years ago
wow brad got that down like a pro
comixlover347 about 12 years ago
cowboys and indians? wow
FrostbiteFalls almost 2 years ago
At least it was a barefoot stomp.