Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 03, 1993
mom: brad, the buzzer on the dryer went off. that means the clothes are dry. brad: yeah, i heard it. mom: well then, go take them out and fold them brad: mom, i'm in the middle of somethin'! why do i hafta jump up right now? mom: because if you don't, your clothes will wrinkle and you'll have to iron them. brad: shee. i though machines were s'posed to make life easier
They do make it easier . You should have seen how it was done before the washer and dryer. Before the dryer. All clothing had to be hung out to dry exsposed to everything outside including bad kids. And before a washer. All cloths had to be washed by hand using something called a scrub board. A whole lot of work and that was just laundry.