Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 16, 1999
Luann and Bernice are taking a walk in the park. Luann says with joy:"Man, school starts in just three weeks. Can you believe we'll be going into high school?" Bernice says worriedly:"Don't remind me" Luann says:"Aren't you excited? High school, Bern! The big time!" Bernice says:"Yeah, big-time stress" Luann says:"Stress" Bernice says:"More homework. More test, more studying" Luann says:"That's shool stuff. I'm talking about important stuff: more dances, more clubs, more boys" Bernice says:"Even more stress"
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
9th, usually
comixlover347 almost 12 years ago
wait,you guys aren’t in high school yet?!
bookworm1011 almost 9 years ago
FINALLY!! They’re aging!!!
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
I don’t know how they were in the same school as Brad and TJ, if they were in middle school, what with Brad being a senior
Solomon J. Behala Premium Member about 2 years ago
It was a junior/senior high school, grades 7-12, ages 12-18. Brad is four years older than they are.
12515527 3 months ago
No. No more boys please