Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 09, 2000
Outside the office of "The Pitts - School Newspaper", we hear Delta say, "Knute, I've got an assignment for you. I want you to write an article." Knute replies, "An article." Inside the office, Knute sits at his drawing board facing Delta, as Tiffany works at a computer. Knute says, "Delta, I'm a CARTOONIST. I don't WRITE." Delta says, "You need to expand, Knute. And the paper has space to fill." Knute says, "Why didn't you say so? I'm WAY ahead of you: expanded cartoon!" Knute holds up a giant cartoon of a student's head exploding while looking at a test. Delta says, "Lovely."
I really like Knute’s comics. So underground!