Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 15, 2011
Bernice: "Your boss at Weenieworld is ANN EIFFEL?" Brad: "Yeah. Great name, huh?" Luann: "Your old boss at borderline books?" Bernice: "YES! She was sent to Japan... and now she's BACK?!" Brad: "Uh, is there a problem?" Luann: "Only that she's a horrid, evil monster" Bernice: "Quit, Brad! Quit NOW" Brad: "Psh. I can handle Ann Eiffel" Luann: "And I was worried this was gonna be a dull summer..."
Some coincidence: A bookstore by the name of Boarders is calling it quits. Which leaves only Barnes & Noble (my favorite book store) and Books-A-Million. That said, could someone bring me up to speed about Ann Eiffel? It’s been awhile.