Maria's Day by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for March 05, 2021

  1. Beaker
    JDP_Huntington Beach  almost 4 years ago

    I recall my younger brothers were like this. The older one was always reading his books with the younger one. Helped the older one read better, and the younger one built up from all that reading.

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  2. Imagescasts1v2
    jeanie5448  almost 4 years ago

    My oldest daughter would read to her sister and she would tell me what the baby was saying when she started babbling.

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  3. Capture  2017 12 17 08 45 35 2
    Nyckname  almost 4 years ago

    After years of swearing that the TV would not become the babysitter, my sister moved back in with her baby, and started taping reruns of the Muppet Show for when there wasn’t anything else on for him to watch. And our old man, being who he was, would rewind the tape to the beginning when the rug rat wandered away from in front of the set, regardless of if the kid had watched it for five minutes or two hours (which never happened).

    I’ve seen the first [redacted] fifteen minutes of the [redacted] Star [redacted] Wars episode of the Muppet [redacted] Show at least one [redacted] hundred [redacted] times, and to this day I can’t watch the [redacted] thing.

    What was the point of taping eight hours of the show if that was all he’d ever watch?

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  4. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Makes sense, Maria got the book at the As Seen on TV Store.

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