Maria's Day by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for September 10, 2021

  1. Led001d
    Tentoes  over 3 years ago

    In my 40’s I lost track for a while.

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  2. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I have a t-shirt that says: “I always knew I’d get old. How fast it happened was a bit of a surprise.” I’m 70, and that shirt is absolutely correct!

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  3. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Well, if Mom is an MD in private practice and depending on the length of her medical education (one year for internship and 3 to 7 years for residency depending on speciality) and she did not do a “Doogie”, I would think she and Dad are between 35 and 40.

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