Our big male Dane, Baron was pretty lazy about it. He’d bark once. Wait about 10 seconds. Bark again. Then he’d look around to see if anyone was paying attention. If not he’d come and get us. Once we got back to where he started, he would just stand there and grumble.
His sister, on the other hand, was very vocal. I had to train her to bark on command. If she really really had to bark, she’d come and get me. I’d say “Tessa, Woof.” She’d bark and be happy.
Our big male Dane, Baron was pretty lazy about it. He’d bark once. Wait about 10 seconds. Bark again. Then he’d look around to see if anyone was paying attention. If not he’d come and get us. Once we got back to where he started, he would just stand there and grumble.
His sister, on the other hand, was very vocal. I had to train her to bark on command. If she really really had to bark, she’d come and get me. I’d say “Tessa, Woof.” She’d bark and be happy.