Perhaps she may get lucky and have copied the formula incorrectly before she lost it. That could cause some hilarity/side effect. The other company looses face, someone may get fired and Lila may look like a hero for setting a competitor back.
Nah she’s going to get caught trying to get it back. Besides isn’t there a little thing called “trademark” that lawyers just love?
hawgowar about 14 years ago
All you do is call the police and report a stolen formula and who has it.
I know, it’s a comic strip.
jay_dallas about 14 years ago
Oh Drew, the best ones always do!!!! ;-)
ProfessorKid about 14 years ago
[Cue: Mission: Impossible Theme Music] : )
MamaTaney about 14 years ago
You know the saying about friends v. real friends Drew …
Wenthral about 14 years ago
Perhaps she may get lucky and have copied the formula incorrectly before she lost it. That could cause some hilarity/side effect. The other company looses face, someone may get fired and Lila may look like a hero for setting a competitor back.
Nah she’s going to get caught trying to get it back. Besides isn’t there a little thing called “trademark” that lawyers just love?