Why can’t two men or two women love each other in a non-sexual relationship? Why is sex inevitably and unquestioningly assumed to be involved in everything? Why can’t a man engage in hobbies not related to either sports or being obsessed with sports without everyone gossiping about the “certainty” that he’s gay? Why can’t a woman be tough or athletic or skilled without being assumed to be in the closet? Why is it that in today’s society all varieties of love are forever lumped together as sexual behavior? It’s enough to make you think that our society had some kind psychotic obsession, or that it worshipped sexual gratification as God.
Why can’t two men or two women love each other in a non-sexual relationship? Why is sex inevitably and unquestioningly assumed to be involved in everything? Why can’t a man engage in hobbies not related to either sports or being obsessed with sports without everyone gossiping about the “certainty” that he’s gay? Why can’t a woman be tough or athletic or skilled without being assumed to be in the closet? Why is it that in today’s society all varieties of love are forever lumped together as sexual behavior? It’s enough to make you think that our society had some kind psychotic obsession, or that it worshipped sexual gratification as God.