Molly and the Bear by Bob Scott for March 22, 2013

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    Gator007  almost 12 years ago

    Like that’s going to go well.

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    waykirk  almost 12 years ago

    I’ve had a few of those tetanus shots. Still get one every ten years or so. I can’t help it. I am always getting cut or something on the old plantation.

    These tetanus inoculations seem to hurt more than any other shot that I have gad. Like a piece of wax shot into your veins. Better than the disease however.

    Well, on the other hand, maybe it hurt, but perhaps not more than the Yellow Fever shot, and this shot or that shot that we had before we went overseas more than four decades ago.

    In those long ago days, the army had something like an electric needle gun. Don’t move when you get these shots or they will go straight down your arm like they did with mine.

    Ouch! I still remember but I get my flu shot every year.

    Must have worked, I’m still here at 70.

    The old and I mean old, Sarge

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