Come’on man! There are technologies to do this right. Buy two identical brooms, cut off the broom heads at the same spot on the handles, prop the corkboard on the handles and put in your nails in at the right spot. It’s that easy. But be very careful to cut those broom handles at the right spot the first time. I have identical nail holes down the wall from not cutting them off at the right spot the first time.
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 6 years ago
Is Monty ever on the level?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 6 years ago
Nailed it!, several times.
jonesbeltone over 6 years ago
Command strips are the boss.
Clotty Peristalt over 6 years ago
The one piece of paper on the bulletin board is a to do list: “Fix all the holes in the wall”
clayusmcret Premium Member over 6 years ago
Come’on man! There are technologies to do this right. Buy two identical brooms, cut off the broom heads at the same spot on the handles, prop the corkboard on the handles and put in your nails in at the right spot. It’s that easy. But be very careful to cut those broom handles at the right spot the first time. I have identical nail holes down the wall from not cutting them off at the right spot the first time.
yangeldf over 6 years ago
“measure twice, cut once” also applies to putting nails in the wall
cuzinron47 over 6 years ago
Now he’ll have to hang something up to cover all the holes in the wall. Will this ever end?
jamesbaird1572 over 6 years ago
To fix the nail holes in drywall, first wet the holes with sponge, dimple the wet wallboard hole slightly. Let dry, Spackle, sand, and paint.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Easier get a square so you can put the edge against the wall and if you need to a level to make it as close as possible. No cutting involved.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Looks almost like bullet holes—the site of Monty’s St. Valentine’s Day Massacre of the wall….