Japan actually did ban screaming at amusement parks. https://www.wsj.com/articles/reopened-theme-parks-ban-screaming-on-roller-coasters-riders-are-howling-11594222278
This reminds me of the controversial carnival put on recently at The Jasper Mall in Jasper, AL. It was approved before COVID hit the fan. The city tried to stop it, but the show must go on, as they say.
Ink blot Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Japan has a new rule for riding roller coasters: ‘Please scream inside your heart’”
Imagine over 4 years ago
Seriously messed up the colouring of his mask in panel 2. That looks creepy.
DangerBunny over 4 years ago
Oh oh, mis-colored face and mask. CLEAN-UP ON PANEL 2!
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Gotta quit using those discount colorists from overseas.
Jim Laskey Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think you just produced a market for flesh coloured masks.
westcarleton over 4 years ago
Japan actually did ban screaming at amusement parks. https://www.wsj.com/articles/reopened-theme-parks-ban-screaming-on-roller-coasters-riders-are-howling-11594222278
jscarff57 Premium Member over 4 years ago
So, just exactly HOW do you slow down a gravity roller coaster?
walstib Premium Member over 4 years ago
The latest news is about wearing glasses possibly helps to not catch Covid-19, so they’re good.
wesleylscott1 over 4 years ago
This reminds me of the controversial carnival put on recently at The Jasper Mall in Jasper, AL. It was approved before COVID hit the fan. The city tried to stop it, but the show must go on, as they say.
jel354 over 4 years ago
Hope those tickets didn’t come from Chuck E. Cheese.
raybarb44 over 4 years ago
If there’s no screaming, it ain’t a roller coaster…..
cbs1947 over 4 years ago
Monty’s left hand is on backwards.
joecoolfiftyfive over 4 years ago
Scream inside your heart
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
The un-amusement park.
WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago
When you get lapped by the people on the Ferris wheel (going in a circle of course) then you know it is slow!
BallotBoxer over 4 years ago
Let’s all pitch in and buy the colorist some glasses!
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
That Alien revealed in panel 2 really does look like Monty. And he’s lured Monty’s friends, Moondog and Dehlia, to the dangerous Covid Carnival….