There’s a story about a not too bright fellow, whose “friends” used to go up to him and offer him a choice of two coins, a nickle and a dime. He’d always look at them and say (pointing to the nickle) “That’s one bigger, I’ll take that one.” And of course, his “friends” would have a good laugh at his expense. Finally, someone who really liked him went up to him and said, “Joe, don’t you know that a dime is worth more than a nickle.” And Joe replied, “Sure I do! But the first time I pick the dime they’ll stop playing the game!”
There’s a story about a not too bright fellow, whose “friends” used to go up to him and offer him a choice of two coins, a nickle and a dime. He’d always look at them and say (pointing to the nickle) “That’s one bigger, I’ll take that one.” And of course, his “friends” would have a good laugh at his expense. Finally, someone who really liked him went up to him and said, “Joe, don’t you know that a dime is worth more than a nickle.” And Joe replied, “Sure I do! But the first time I pick the dime they’ll stop playing the game!”