Davidf42: The joke is a reference to the pre-TV days of popular radio quiz shows, most famous of which was “The 64 Dollar Question”, (later the inspiration for the TV version “The 64 Thousand Dollar Question”). If you missed a question and were sent home, you’d get a consolation prize. How Jeff got so many is up to our imaginations.
George Carlin once said that game shows would be a lot more exciting if people brought their own things from home and played against the house. “And the wheel lands on… zero! Okay, boys, take away her living room furniture!”
Donald Benson Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’m thinking they should include the year these first ran.
Colt9033 over 14 years ago
I agree completely.
davidf42 over 14 years ago
I don’t get it. What’s the joke?
WORDMAN33 over 14 years ago
I agree…the year should be included just because…
Herb Thiel Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yes, the year should be included. Who do we tell?
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
Davidf42: The joke is a reference to the pre-TV days of popular radio quiz shows, most famous of which was “The 64 Dollar Question”, (later the inspiration for the TV version “The 64 Thousand Dollar Question”). If you missed a question and were sent home, you’d get a consolation prize. How Jeff got so many is up to our imaginations.
Frodo59 over 14 years ago
The joke is also the “consolation prize” tags on the merchandise. Jeff is still an also-ran.
Sherlock Watson over 14 years ago
George Carlin once said that game shows would be a lot more exciting if people brought their own things from home and played against the house. “And the wheel lands on… zero! Okay, boys, take away her living room furniture!”
fastvega over 14 years ago
The artwork in new comics will never compete with these old classics.