So many people are worried about bees. The honey bee rarely will sting a human. Most people can’t tell the difference between a honey bee and a “yellow jacket” which is a wasp, carnivorous, and more likely to sting humans.
I’ll “bee”….I learned something today!!!Actually, the honey bee stings once, then goes off and dies… did the yellow jacket once he (she?) stung me….I had a powerful right slap that took care it.
I’ll “bee”….I learned something today!!!Actually, the honey bee stings once, then goes off and dies… did the yellow jacket once he (she?) stung me….I had a powerful right slap that took care it.
Ouch! I still remember when I got stunk by a red wasp about 5 months ago. Out of the blue it went for my right temple, that´s why I could hear it aproach and was already in the process of swating it away when it stunk me, at least three times very fast. About as painful as a bee sting, but the first five minutes I felt a little light headed and was afraid I could get worse and faint. Then I put myself back together and had just a little pain and swelling on the affected area for the rest of the day.
Phantis about 7 years ago
So many people are worried about bees. The honey bee rarely will sting a human. Most people can’t tell the difference between a honey bee and a “yellow jacket” which is a wasp, carnivorous, and more likely to sting humans.
MJ Premium Member about 7 years ago
That bee looks pretty angry! Plus, it’s gotta be about six inches long. Maybe that’s why he’s angry. No one his own size to play with.
jppjr about 7 years ago
I’ll “bee”….I learned something today!!!Actually, the honey bee stings once, then goes off and dies… did the yellow jacket once he (she?) stung me….I had a powerful right slap that took care it.
jppjr about 7 years ago
I’ll “bee”….I learned something today!!!Actually, the honey bee stings once, then goes off and dies… did the yellow jacket once he (she?) stung me….I had a powerful right slap that took care it.
Number Three about 7 years ago
I have had a few near misses when it comes to bees and wasps.
Little creeps were inviting themselves into my bedroom. One at a time of course!
tuslog1964 about 7 years ago
I’ve read that a bee stinger is only about 3/64" long. (The other 1-1/2 is pure imagination!
nailer Premium Member about 7 years ago
Ouch! I still remember when I got stunk by a red wasp about 5 months ago. Out of the blue it went for my right temple, that´s why I could hear it aproach and was already in the process of swating it away when it stunk me, at least three times very fast. About as painful as a bee sting, but the first five minutes I felt a little light headed and was afraid I could get worse and faint. Then I put myself back together and had just a little pain and swelling on the affected area for the rest of the day.
brklnbern about 7 years ago
He’s got a point. And the art work seems a bit different here.