Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for November 19, 2013

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    arye uygur  over 11 years ago

    good morning, Vagabonds.Yesterday I began picking out which items of clothing I will take to Miami.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  over 11 years ago

    Morning, Vagabonds.

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    Dkram  over 11 years ago

    Howdy one and all..Couldn’t prove it by me, but the sun has been up about 6 mins.Some snow last night..Deer hunting started last Sat, and will end the Sun after Thanksgiving..Am I the only one that thinks this year went by way to fast?.Have fun today..ttfn

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    MontanaLady  over 11 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    Yes, Mark, this year went REALLY fast!!!!We’re flying down to San Diego for Thanksgiving again for 4 days. Just a quick trip to be with the gang, and then go wedding dress shopping for our younger daughter’s gown. Yaa Hoo!!!

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  5. My boys
    woodworker318  over 11 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.Sunny, windy and in the 40’s.I agree, this year did go fast. Maybe because so many things happened and n all for the good.I go to the Rheumatologist today to see if he can figure out what is going on with my arthritis.

    Have a good day.

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    MontanaLady  over 11 years ago

    Just got back from my 3 month cancer check up……..All was REALLY good! Hurray!!!!And, I even graduated to having 6 month check ups!

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  7. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 11 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Yes, this year went by way too fast. But then they all do these days.

    A little overcast this morning, so it is cooler than it has been.

    4 more days! We did a “test” packing on Saturday to see how much we can fit into our new suitcases. Surprisingly roomy.

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  8. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 11 years ago


    Sunny and nice here ,lttle to cool to sit out. Going to the library for another James Patterson novel as I finished my other page turner yesterday

    @ Rita, great news on your checkup GBY

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