Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for January 05, 2015

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. @David, thank you for your information.

    I spent most of Sunday reading the Miami Herald. There were several interesting articles in it I wanted to email to friends but the Herald has a block on emailing them, so I had to clip and mail the articles to my friends.

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    Dkram  about 10 years ago

    Howdy Vagabonds..Welcome to another edition of “Weather Behaving Badly.” Getting cold and more than a little icy.What to do about it?Keep your head down and your little butt indoors..Well, I’m going to keep warm and wish you all a blessed day..ttfn

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    @Arye – One more interesting tidbit. Cynthia Ann’s original burial was in an East Texas cemetery that carries my surname. And many of the people in that cemetery seem to have been related to my early Texas ancestors. I haven’t proven the link yet, but hopefully, I’ll find the time someday to see where her family connected with mine. Her remains were later removed and buried in Oklahoma.

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    MontanaLady  about 10 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    Well, we got another 3 inches of snow overnight! Supposed to keep up until Tuesday evening! ENOUGH! I say!

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  5. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds

    Rita, isn’t it a bit early this season to be decrying the snow already? We usually wait for at least the end of February.

    Still on the warming trend here. Chilly at night, around 60 in the daytime.

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  6. My boys
    woodworker318  about 10 years ago

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.Our snow has all melted and now it is just windy and cold and going to be all week.

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