Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for June 17, 2023

  1. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 2 years ago

    A grand good morning Vagabonds

    We got fog, down in the valley that is. It was 58 degrees when I got up. They say a rainy day. Huh, I’m a poet and didn’t know it but my feet show it, they’re long fellows. (>.<)

    Sorry about the bad poetry. (^.^)

    Oh, high temp 62.

    We’ll get the new grill together today, between showers I hope. the we’ll have stakes on the Barbee tomorrow. (^.^)

    A great weekend to all and may God bless.


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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 2 years ago

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    Great news from the hip doctor. My problem is just as simple as my wrist. I have tendonitis and bursitis which is curable by anti-inflammatories and gentle exercise. I will be going to their resident physical therapist for a couple of sessions to learn what to do and what not to do. PTL!!! In fact the doc told me not only do I not need a hip replacement, but given the condition of the joints I probably never will.

    I went to the Bible study this morning where we finished up with Revelation 21 & 22. There are some great teachers in that class and a lot of good insight. Too bad I forgot to take my notebook with me to take notes! Next week we start with the book of John. Unfortunately I won’t be there because my own church has a once-a-month Women’s Bible study of its own. Can’t get 15 miles across town by 9 AM if your other class doesn’t let out until 9:15.

    I stopped at a new nail salon after the Bible study to get my nails done for the first time in a few years. She did a really great job, but what I thought was going to be a 1 hour session for a full set turned into 2 1/2. She did a complete “dry” manicure (no soaking) before she even started working on the artificial nails. What she put on is something called Gel-Ex rather than the hard plastic tips that usually get glued on for acrylics. Really hard to explain, but it’s a complete system, all in various gels.

    After that I went to Wal Mart for a bit of shopping. (Who’s kidding who, it was over $100.) That just means I don’t have to go again for a while. While I was there, Michael called me to see if I was okay. He expected me home around 10 and it was after noon already. Ain’t we got fun?

    I didn’t check early enough to see how hot it got on the patio yesterday, but I don’t think it got much, if any over 90. Today is sunny and bright with a forecast of 98. We’re at 2:30 PM, but we usually peak temps at around 4:30 so it might make it (95 currently).

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  3. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 2 years ago

    Good Sunday Vagabonds

    A little darkish again this morning and 52 at get up. By the forecast there is a potential for rain, 62 for a high.

    The new grill is still not ready, I guess the old Webber will be needed one more time. Of course the Webber can still be used for side dishes.

    My usual Sunday for this time of the year.

    Blessed Sabbath Vagabonds, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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  4. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 2 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Happy Father’s Day to our gentlemen members and the spouses of our ladies. May your day be everything you wish it to be.

    Mark, I remember once I bought a fancy grill for Michael’s birthday. I had to get it unassembled because the fully assembled one wouldn’t fit into my car. The deck of my hatchback made a perfect workbench and I put the whole thing together by myself while he was at work. It had both a gas and a charcoal grill and a side burner for small pots. The only thing I forgot was a bottle of propane. LOL We sold it to our neighbor when we moved into the RV.

    Church this morning and then this afternoon Mike is taking us out to a movie and dinner for Father’s Day.

    It’s another bright sunny day with a bit of wind thrown in. We got up to 99 on the patio yesterday. We’re expecting a triple to day and it’s already 85 and it’s not even 8 AM. What’s funny is that the computer says it’s 85 by the thermometer but “feels like” 84. Like we can tell the difference.

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday and Father’s Day.

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