It was a little brighter this morning but it has gloomied down a bit now. The thermometer was reading 60 when I got up. The forecast is generally cloudy, no rain called for today but, it is Vermont after all. I should know I’ve lived here for 70 yrs.
Hopefully we can get that grill seasoned today and then have those stakes Sunday.(^.^)
Going to stay on the down low today. Hope your day great and the Lord keeps you company.
Good morning Vagabonds
It was a little brighter this morning but it has gloomied down a bit now. The thermometer was reading 60 when I got up. The forecast is generally cloudy, no rain called for today but, it is Vermont after all. I should know I’ve lived here for 70 yrs.
Hopefully we can get that grill seasoned today and then have those stakes Sunday.(^.^)
Going to stay on the down low today. Hope your day great and the Lord keeps you company.